Advertising Opportunities
If you are looking for an affordable and effective way to advertise to consumers, not only within the Oshkosh community, but to the millions of visitors in our area, there are many opportunities to reach your target audience through our website and various print publications., is the Oshkosh Convention & Visitors Bureau’s primary source of information for visitors and meeting, event and sports planners. Currently, our site receives nearly 14,000 unique visitors per month and more than 34,000 page views.
We have developed three unique ways to advertise your organization or event on our website: specials page, featured listings and home page ads. The specials page allows you to promote sales, limited time offers or other specials your business offers. Featured listings are displayed at the top of all search areas within the Events, Eat, Stay and Do pages of the website, which allows your listing to be top of the list and top of the consumers’ mind. Home page ads are displayed prominently with other major upcoming events on the home page and yield the most impressions on the website.
To find out more information about online and print advertising opportunities, contact Amy Albright at (920) 303-9200 or