Let’s jump right in…What’s this “Oshkosh from the Water” blog all about and why is this guy the one writing it?
“Oshkosh from the Water” is a blog showcasing fishing in and around this great city of ours. Things that I will focus on, but of course will not be limited to, will include; access points, tactics, how to, events, local fisherman, tackle, gear, bait shops, and basically anything and everything you need to know in order to fish the Winnebago system.
Who am I? Well…that’s a great question! Like many Wisconsin (Fox Valley) boys, I grew up fishing and chasing walleyes on some part of the Fox River. Now as a 20+ year transplant, I have fallen head over heels for the culture, history and people that this body of water and city encompasses.
In the summer, on most Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays you will find me somewhere on the water, launched out of Glatz Park. In winter, on the weekend, well of course I will be parked off of Merritt. And as an added bonus, in my spare time, I also enjoy paying to have other fisherman beat me in local fishing tournaments!
With all the formalities out of the way, let’s get started talking the nuts and bolts of what we are blessed with at our front door step.
The Winnebago system was formed 12,000 years ago and includes Lake Poygan, Little Lake Butte des Morts and Lake Winnebago. Together totaling 166,000 acres, accounting for 17% of Wisconsin’s inland water surface. Oshkosh alone has roughly 31 miles of water frontage and remarkably 11 miles of public access. With this amount of public access, Oshkosh has one of the most diverse shoreline fisheries in the state.
The Winnebago system, known for its world class walleye fishery, is frequently home to many local and national professional fishing tournaments and has a reputation of turning out many professional anglers. This is due to the multitude of tactics that are needed to consistently catch fish. Fisherman use many different tactics and types of fishing. From walleye on t-docks, catfish from the river walk, pan fish in Millers Bay or bass on the rip rap, there are many areas to fish from. From bobbers to 3-ways, flies to jigs, your imagination is your only obstruction in how to fish these varieties of species.
We’ll cover more in the tactics and types of fishing in the next “Oshkosh from the Water” blog.
Have an idea for a topic? Know an angler or fishing tactic you’d like to see showcased? Email me at: oshkoshfromthewater@gmail.com
Catch all of my Bago adventures on Instagram @snellmatt or fishing content on TikTok @smile_and_Like
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