Ice Fishing Around Oshkosh, WI

My passion for ice fishing has been fueled by my success on the Lake Winnebago system, and I’ve realized that Oshkosh and the surrounding area truly is a premier ice fishing destination in Wisconsin. Whether you target Perch and Bluegill on Lake Winnebago or head up to Lake Butte Des Morts or…

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Summer Fishing on the Winnebago System

The Winnebago System is easily one of my favorites to fish throughout the whole summer. Walleye, Bass, Panfish, and Pike are some of the most popular fish to catch on this system, and they’re easy to catch in the summer if you know where to look and the techniques to use. I hope the info I’ve…

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Spring Fishing in Oshkosh WI

Are you asking yourself, “Why is my husband feverishly doing spring yardwork?” Well…that’s easy…as the snow melts away from your yard, remember that water is filling ditches and making its way to the Winnebago system, meaning rising water and rising water temps…all things that promote the yearly…

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Oshkosh from the Water

As we all contemplate our New Year’s resolution of getting to the gym, going for that walk, eating better, drinking less coffee or maybe, like me, your resolution is to catch more perch. Now, some would say that a resolution to fish more isn’t really a resolution, but rather just an excuse to fish…

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Oshkosh From the Water: Summer Edition

Nothing says Oshkosh summer more than enjoying the waterfront, whether boating, listening to live music or fishing. I got to thinking…What if we added all of them together? Imagine being anchored in front of the Leach during Waterfest and fishing! So we decided to do it! Now that we had a plan, we…

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Fox River Bait and Tackle

“Location, location, location” isn’t just a mantra of the real estate world. Just take a walk-through Rainbow Park on any spring day and you will quickly see that “location, location, location” is also very relevant to Fox River Bait & Tackle (FRB&T). For as long as anyone can remember, a bait shop…

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Sturgeon Spearing in Oshkosh

It’s Spear Madness! Welcome to Sturgeon Spearing 2023! Not a spearer? We have your Sturgeon crawl planned for places to stop and check out the fun! Buckle up those bibs, it’s going to be a fun weekend! We had the chance to meet Scott, Owner of Jerry’s Bar in Oshkosh, and learn more about the…

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Fishing is Good Therapy

Work got you on edge? Feeling down? Sneak out, leave early, take off, or just plain call in. Do what it takes to grab just one more hour on the water. Listen, we all know that when you’re able to use the term “on a boat” everything after that just doesn’t matter. Giving yourself an hour or two to…

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The National Professional Fishing League Visits Oshkosh

So, as a follow up to the last “Frog Blog”, today we are going to talk about something that generally doesn’t happen much around here. However, I’ve got a hunch we may be seeing more of this in the next several years. Did you see all those fancy bass boats filling up our streets, parking lots and…

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Oshkosh From the Water: Let's Fish!

Let’s jump right in…What’s this “Oshkosh from the Water” blog all about and why is this guy the one writing it? “Oshkosh from the Water” is a blog showcasing fishing in and around this great city of ours. Things that I will focus on, but of course will not be limited to, will include; access points…

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