EAA Partner Toolkit Resource Guide

Let us help you get ready for the 71st annual EAA AirVenture! 

Hello Oshkosh business owners! We're gearing up for EAA AirVenture and this Toolkit Resource Guide is here help you get the word out about your business to visitors. Whether you're creating special EAA offers during the week, wondering about the impact of AirVenture on your business, or wanting to learn more about the event, our Partner Toolkit is here to help!

Please contact Caitlin at caitlin@discoveroshkosh.com or give us a call at 920-303-9200 if you'd like a printed "Welcome to Oshkosh" poster for your business. We'd love to drop one off at your establishment! Otherwise feel free to download and print the posters yourself.

Partner Toolkit Resources

Oshkosh, Get Ready for EAA AirVenture

Let's dig into all of the details about the event, which welcomes visitors from all over the world!

How to Prepare

EAA AirVenture is Oshkosh's biggest event of the year. Not only will the planes being flying high, but so will the number of visitors to Oshkosh. Whether your business retail or service-oriented, an increase in customers should be expected. Here are a few things you may want to consider for your business to make the most of this increased exposure.

Highlight your business:
  • Use this as an opportunity to enhance the exterior and interior of your space
  • Add flowers or landscape with seasonal decorations (planes highly encouraged!)
  • Ensure your signage is highly visible and updated
Plan for increased business:
  • Offer specials to draw in visitors
  • Increase Inventory
  • Plan for increased staffing
  • Consider extending hours of operation
  • Help Visitors get around with this GO Transit 2024 EAA Bus Route
Promote the event and your business:
  • Hang the EAA Event Posted provided (download here)
  • Use hashtag #Osh24 and tag @EAA and @DiscoverOshkosh in your social media posts
  • Share your excitement and welcome visitors with posts like "We're so excited to welcome EAA Guests..."
Welcome aviation enthusiasts, pilots, passengers & attendees:

Provide a warm welcome to our visitors by updating signage, marquees, and digital display boards to catch the attention of our visitors. Here's a few suggestions:

  • Welcome EAA AirVenture Guests!
  • Greetings Aviation Enthusiasts!
  • Welcome Visitors!
  • Welcome to Oshkosh!
  • Welcome AirVenture 2023!
  • Soaringly Great Deals Here!
  • Fly In for EAA Exclusive Offers!

Get in Touch with Us!

For questions about what the Oshkosh Convention and Visitors Bureau can do to aid your business during EAA Airventure, please contact us at (920) 303-9200


Join in on the fun by tagging @DiscoverOshkosh on Instagram or Facebook, or using the hashtag #DiscoverOshkosh